Wednesday 10 August 2011

week in the life- tuesday

Photos for Tuesday- 120

my two favorite people come in to wake me up- 7:00am

feed the cats

everyone has breakfast

breakfast dishes

waving bye bye to daddy
tuesday's self portrait

getting Anna dressed

packing Anna's lunch & snacks for our day out & about

first stop- Starbucks

playing with Scarlett @ treasured memories

evergreen stationary- envelopes

napping in the car

lunch  @ starbucks- tomato & mozza panini

oh how I love chapters!

I have a MAD crush on Guy Fieri

playing at chapters

I found treats when I took off her shirt... hee hee

she climbed on top of me to get closer to the fish tank
third nap of the day and a very messy room

watering my garden

the BIGGEST freakin' spider lives in our backyard, as long as she and her
gross spider babies stay outside we'll get along just fine


I told Cory that I was drooling over these magazines
while at chapters... he came home with both for me
bless his giant heart

this is a reenactment of my reaction

playing peek a boo

dinner outside
sitting outside after dinner reading Artful Blogging
while Cory & Anna play inside- peace & quiet

bed time

prepping product for my card kits

11:30- in bed reading my new Where Women Create
11:45- lights out
12:45- Anna up crying.... sigh

1 comment:

Ginger said...

There are so many great photos here Nadine! There are two GF fans in this house too, love the DDD! Your hubby is so sweet!!