Thursday 11 August 2011

week in the life- wednesday

Photos for Wednesday- 75
at 5am this is where I slept until 6:30

at 6:30am she woke up again, I picked her up and she fell
 asleep wrapped around me, I tried to go back to sleep but
it really wasn't very comfy so I soaked her up, read and
was so very grateful for this moment, these cuddles

my first ever plant to actually flower- a lipstick plant

I measure the majority of my food, I am really trying to
 loose the weight gained before & after my pregnancy

love this cup from sweet KC, love my coffee

vacuuming and carting around a cranky babe

this picture pretty much summed up my whole day

showering at the gym

moving everything off the lawn so it could be mowed

trying to feed Anna while Hannah tries to get cuddles

swiffer vac- seriously awesome invention

Tuesday's self portrait- check out my pony {or my stump if you wish}

kitting class product

I seriously love So You Think You Can Dance
Please let Melanie win- I love love love her!


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