Tuesday 9 August 2011

Week In The Life- Monday

Photos for Monday= 98

Breakfast for Anna & I
trip to safeway because I was out of creamer & I NEEDED a coffee
up from her first nap
off to the gym
this was Anna's first time at Spa Kids- I was so anxious I thought I was going to make myself sick

working out
unpacking mom's gym bag
my self portrait for today
Anna's lunch
protein shake: 1 banana, 1/2 c blueberries, 1 c milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder = yummy
my lunch: peanut butter on wasa crackers & cottage cheese with cinnamon
nap #2

up from the second nap & time for cuddles
Anna hates! having her diaper changed so we have to make it as fun as possible with lots of tickles
working on class kit instructions
playing while momma works
cleaning up the basement

walking to mail a very special anniversary card

supper time
bath time
goofing around before bedtime
cleaning my disaster of a kitchen
organizing our freezer- think I could fit anything else in here?
kitchen all clean!
9:15- finally time for me to eat dinner
writing in my food journal
showered for the third time today, winding down for bed
Cory is finally home from work, we missed him today
getting settle into bed
Cory praying to the sleep God that Anna will sleep through the night ;)
{update- she did... I think we'll be praying to the sleep God every night!}
There you have it- Monday! I'll be honest, this was a ton of work. I am hoping that it will get a little bit easier because I got some fun photos from today that I would have never captured otherwise.
See you tomorrow!


Ginger said...

Those are amazing photos Nadine! Your day is so busy! I especially love how you managed to get some photos at the gym (you are inspiring me to get back at it!!) and I love your self portrait :) Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

Just fell upon your blog through Treasured Memories website. I have to say you are a great inspiration..... you are so positive. You seem to do everything with such ease. What can't you do??????? Keep going I look forward to reading your blog.