Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sweet Sweet Brayden

Brayden Don Wolansky
June 6 @ 7:10pm
8lbs 4oz, 20" long 

My brother and his beautiful wife Lyndsey welcomed a fabulous baby boy into the world last night! He is so stinkin' cute, I love that he looks like a teeny tiny little man here. My mom said he is just perfect. I won't get to meet him until Saturday and am so sad I can't run to Stettler right this very minute! I have been send super huge love vibes so I think he knows how excited his Auntie is to meet him. Both momma and baby are doing well, Lyndsey sounded so happy on the phone last night- so great!!  It is so amazing to see my little brother become a daddy- to a boy no less- I bet he is glowing he is so excited.
A sweet little story for you- Lyndsey's Grandpa Don past away a few years ago and June 6 was his birthday- so while Brayden came a week early I think he was right on time.


Ginger said...

Big congrats to all and especially Auntie Nadine!! he sure is a cutie :)

Brandy said...

OHMYGOODNESS!!! I think he looks just like Mike!