Saturday 19 April 2008

My new 12x12 paper racks

How excited am I to fill these up with paper... and I do have that much paper! I went to Treasured Memories on Thursday with my girlfriend Karen. The girls at the store have been moving around paper and getting rid of old racks, So we bought 2 sets. It was a steal and when a girl finds a good sale she shouldn't pass it up, aren't those the rules? The only problem was getting them home, Karen assured me that they would fit into her car.... NOPE! They most definitely did not fit! We call Cory who has a truck to come get me after his martial arts class but there is no answer. I assure Karen he finished as 9pm and he'll call me back. Well... the store closes @ 9pm so went out and sat in her car. An HOUR later.... no Cory! So we hide 2 racks in "the shadows" outside the store and drive one set back to my place. Come back at 150kms / hr to get to the racks faster and cheer that no one stole them..... NO ONE @ the bar down the way really wants our racks but still we were worried. We load the next set up and it feels like we're robbing the place so I was a touch uncomfortable and then who calls.... Cory! It's 11pm, I'm still not home and I get up @ 5am to go to the gym/work. Thanks Cory but we got the racks! Needless to say it was quite the night and was I ever tired in the morning, that was until I came around the corner and saw my new racks! I squealed and just about hugged them I was so excited all over again! Thanks again for the laughs Karen & thanks to TM for getting rid of those racks!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I AM obsessed with mine too.