Saturday 19 April 2008

Edson 2008 Crop Crazy

I spent the day in Edson teaching 2 classes at the second annual Crop Crazy put on by Creative Pages their LSS. I taught last year for Sharla (the owner of Creative Pages) and was very excited to be asked back. I even had people asking for me and despite my "bootcamp" approach to teaching I had quite a few people from last year in this years classes- which was super cool! I taught an acrylic album (which is the second photo) and a layout class. It is always so exciting seeing people get so happy over the projects that they have made. I sold out both classes and was told I could have done more... but I had to get back to the city. We're already discussing next year and me staying over and teaching 4 classes (duplicates). Yeah! I only wish the weather could have been nicer because the roads were terrible and my nerves are not designed for winter driving.... bless Cory's very patient and calming soul!
Here's a shout out to Sharla- You rock girl and thank you for having me!!!


Jules said...

You'll have to bring the whole album in....glad you had fun!

Veronica said...

Glad you made it back okay!

Anam_Kihaku said...

beautiful stuff...

Jill said...

U r awesome ya know!

Charlie's Angel said...

So glad you had a good time! YAY!