Saturday 3 December 2011

put out good energy

I have been so incredibly blessed to have Treasured Memories in my life, they are too good to me! Chantel has been so generous and has let me sell premade kits and my album demos in the store over the past month. It has been very well received and I am also so grateful to those of you that are purchasing these kits and demos from me. It has been brought to my attention that one of my projects has vanished and it is believed that it has been stolen. When I read that email I was immediately angry, but minutes later I realize I'm just so very sad about it. What I hope is that it got put somewhere and the staff missed it, that it will turn up. Unfortunately this is not the first time personal work has gone missing from the store so... Whom ever you are, whatever you have taken: you're not just stealing a factory produced product (which is just as douche baggie), you're stealing part of me. My time, my energy, my care and attention, my love for creating. I spend hours working on my projects, I don't get paid for that time. I do it because I love to create but I'll point out that it is also the time that I took away from my family & from my own personal to do's. I make these projects to inspire you, to teach you new techniques, to give you confidence so you  realise that you too can make projects like mine. The money that I am making from these kits & demos is used to buy my Christmas presents for my family. For my daughter. I work extra hard at Christmas and put in long days and nights to be able to give them everything they deserve that I'm not able to do during the rest of the year. I am sad that you have taken a piece of that away. Every time you look at it, know that it was not made by your own hand. That it is now surrounded by bad energy. We all know what they say about Karma. If you took this project in hopes of giving it away then I'll let you in on a little secret of mine.... I sign my work all over, multiple times in obscure, hidden places.
A word on shoplifting in general, when you steal it drives up prices hurting everyone around you! Remember, the energy that you put out into the Universe is exactly what you will get back. Put out good energy.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Wow! Sorry to hear this Nadine... the thoughtlessness and insensitivity of the individual who did this will eventually come around, although none of us may never know it, I do believe what goes around comes around. Take care sweetie.