Monday 8 August 2011

Weekend Rewind

I didn't take a single photo this weekend, it was a pretty lame time. I was tired & sick all weekend so while Cory was at work Anna & I layed around watching Sesame Street, reading books and Anna tore apart her daddy's magazines- perhaps I should have been paying more attention. I did take a video of Anna and her new favorite meal- macaroni and tomato sauce. Afterwards I carefully take her out of her chair, take off her diaper and put her in the tub- it's a messy situation.

This week I am doing "A Week in the Life" that Ali Edwards does every year. You can find Ali's original post here and her 2010 finished Week In The Life here. She did Week In The Life 2 weeks ago, I never did get me act in gear to do it but after some encouraging words from my pal Ginger and seeing how great her photos were I decided I could do this any time.... 2 weeks behind or not. Basically I will take photos of our daily activities for the week, document and then scrapbook them. I was up for 2 hours and already forgot my camera when I went to Safeway this morning but took a picture of my purchases to make up for it. I think that will be the hardest part- whipping out my camera for random activities that I do every day and never even think about. I will share photos each day from the day before.

Have a great day friends, Anna is up from her nap and we are off to the gym. Here is a video of dinner time around here.


Anonymous said...

She's so cute eating macaroni from her chubby little fist. Her smile is so contagious!
Hey, I did Week in the Life too! I'm just working on getting the pictures organized and ready to print out. I'm doing a hybrid approach, using Alie's templates. So easy!
See you tomorrow!

Ginger said...

OMG! She is so darn cute!! Nadine, I am so happy for you taking the plunge! Don't forget to recharge the camera batteries every night so you're ready for the next day :) And remember it's not about how many photos you take! There, my tips :) I look forward to seeing them!