Friday 12 August 2011

week in the life- thursday

Photos for Thursday- 18; I woke up sick and ended up going to bed sick. Little photos to show for the day.
Woke up so sick, Cory stayed home today to take care
 of Anna & I. I popped a few advil,
put in ear plugs and went back to bed

Anna @ the doctor

After the doctor we went to the Prairie Bistro in St. Albert for lunch.

Home made, local, organic food!
A clock at The Enjoy Center that I dream of one day owning.

Road construction everywhere in Edmonton.

Anna is ready for her next size car seat.

Trying out diaper bags at West Coast Kids

I heart these two.
self portrait for thursday

A card class last night at Treasured Memories.

1 comment:

Lyn said...

What a handsome class!!