Saturday 9 July 2011

a road trip, sunshine & a wonderful friend

I am back from a wonderful trip to Lethbridge. The weather was glorious- so hot & sun shiny! I really had a wonderful time and can't thank Kara enough for having me and her mom for working at Splurge so Kara could have the time off.  I left Anna with her Gramma and headed off, my first stop- Drumhellar for a photo op with the world's largest dinosaur. Then off to Vulcan to see the spaceship and then finally into beautiful Lethbridge.
Kara and I spent two days shopping and sitting on patios- seriously great! I'll share some of my purchases later. We went thrifting, craft store shopping, we went to a tea house for the most delicious mint lavender lemonade and cranberry white chocolate scones with devonshire cream. We went to a greenhouse/cafe for lunch one day- so wonderful and then to a local hot spot the other day that had a patio that reminded me of being in California- awesome! We sat in her back yard and talked & talked- there's a photo below of me watching her work while we visited... I was a very good foreman.
I got to finally see Splurge (her clothing boutique). It is wonderful & I am so proud of her.
I was sad to leave but excited to get back to Cory & Anna. Not so excited to get back to "real" life and the to do list that made to do list babies while I was gone! With that, I'll leave you with some photos of my trip. Have a wonderful weekend friends!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

That looks like a fabulous trip, and Kara looks great!! I'm sure Anna was happy to see her momma return!
BTW Thanks for your lovely comments :)