Monday 11 July 2011

rainy weekend rewind

This weekend was definitely not glamours or exciting, it was spent trying desperately to catch up from my time off, staying dry and doing laundry. Anna & I hit up the farmers market for fresh, delicious veggies, took Cory lunch on Saturday & Sunday, made muffins, went grocery shopping and did many a load of laundry. Cory being the fabulous husband that he is tried to do the laundry but neglected to change the water lever from low to super for his loads... I had to rewash them... sigh. I love him. I spent the nights after Anna had gone to bed catching up on my PVR'd Fringe episodes & working on my projects for this weekend- Lyndsey & Brayden's baby shower. I can't wait to share.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

You're amazing! We need to get together again soon!