Wednesday 13 July 2011

lethbridge finds

I'm taking a work break and wanted to share a few of my shopping finds during my trip to Lethbridge.

1) the fabulous headband is from Kara's shop (Splurge), a friend of hers makes them
2) a photo of me trying to get rid of Charlie
3) my super awesome new heels- they're 3 inches of saucy!
4) a new cute top and a thrifted necklace
5) two more of my thrifted purchases- the serving tray (or whatever it's called) is now my ring holder and the plant pot holds one of my new palnts I brought home from my trip

Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Love Love Love all of it! especially you! But again....dang girl those heels are s..e...x..y!