Wednesday 14 December 2011

I'm here.....

10 sleeps until Christmas Eve! Are you all finished? Are you ready for Christmas? I don't think I am ever done, shopping maybe but there a gazillion things I want to do before the big day. I have creations bouncing around my head like ping pong balls. I have about 20 holiday baking recipes I want to try. The to do list is a long one... as maybe you can tell by my lack of blogging. I have something I want to write about everyday but getting down here to blog has been a challenge.
What have I been up to?
I am working on my December Daily.
I have decided on my One Little Word for 2012 and thinking about how I can use it to grow.
I have been comforting and cuddling a teething babe.
I have been baking... gingersnaps are one of my all time favorite baking traditions of the season.
I have been dreaming about what I want 2012 to look like.
I have been working on some dreams & changes for my blog and for work.
I have been working on some dreams & changes fro my life.
I have been treating myself to my new favorite holiday coffee- the Caramel Brule latte from Starbucks. MAJOR YUMMY!
I have been trying to work less hours at night and go to bed early. Still working on that one!

Here are a few of my favorite December Daily photos...

My favorite part of decorating the tree, going through all our photo ornaments since 2006.

Helping Momma bake cookies. Love.

I wanted to share these fabulous, handmade monkeys. My amazing, kind, beautiful friend KC makes these babes and they are amazing! After everyone in her life badgered her to sell her handmade lovelies she has done it! They are available to buy at Treasured Memories for $40. I'm also throwing it out there that she  takes custom orders. She is seriously amazing!

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