Thursday 24 April 2008


I have been "up to something" for the last while- for probably 4-5 months. It has been very time consuming and at times frustrating, but it is also very exciting for me! I haven't been blogging much, hanging out as much or keeping in touch and my secret is the reason.Until now I haven't spoken about it to anyone and it has been very hard to not tell my closest friends. I find myself lying to a few of you, which I do not like... just so you know! Thanks to those of you that gave up your address to me and didn't wonder if I was signing you up for junk mail! If I didn't ask for your address... don't worry, I already knew it! Hang in there, it's almost time........... hee hee!



Charlie's Angel said...

I LOVE secrets!!!! Especially when I'm in on them....which I'm not this time...trying to figure out how I feel about that ;) Perhaps even better than being in on a secret is a secret being a big surprise?!?!?

Love you xox

Jill said...

What is going on?? i lack patience-- i know thats a surprise

Anam_Kihaku said...

i'm with jill but whatever it is - it seems to make you happy so it has to be good :)