Friday, 1 February 2013

I choose: February edition

In February I choose...

- to wrap books for a Valentine's day count down (doing that today)
- to make Valentine's (& mail them)
- keep going to the gym 2x / week
- read 2 books
- decorate for Valentine's day
- do a studio tour on the blog
- create a baby card kit for Treasured Memories
- create a Valentine scavenger hunt for Anna
- start a project life style scrapbook for my grade 11 trip to Indonesia
- have 2 date nights with Cory
- have a girlfriend date 
- take Valentine inspired photos
- find my camera manual
- stay up to date with Project Life 2013


Candace said...

I love your lists! and all the fun things you are doing for Anna! Super sweet!

Abby Devine said...

Sounds like your gonna have a great February !!

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

I love this February list! I've seen all those fun things you've been pinning and have been wondering what you were going to do with them.

Everything looks so fun & lovely! Also, date nights are the best!!!!