Monday, 14 May 2012

sharing a wonderful friend with you

Sometimes you're lucky enough to meet someone through work and become friends with them. I have been so very fortunate in many of my past jobs to have walked away with some of my nearest and dearest friendships (and one handsome, wonderful husband).
I wanted to share a little bit about one of those wonderful woman here. I want to do this because she did something for me that came at a time where I was feeling alone and where I needed to hear that I was valuable. My sweet friend Lisa sent out these tags in the mail to people in her life that she cared for and that she valued. Each tag had a message attached that share her feelings. I was speechless when I opened the envelope, I stood in the middle of my kitchen and cried. Cried not because I was sad but because I was so very grateful.

You are wonderful.
An amazing artist.
Have the stomach of a shark.... because only a shark could handle a quad americano!
Hard working.
A skinny minny.
I am so inspired by you.
You mean the world to me.
Love, Nadine

You can go over to Lisa's blog here at notladylike. You'll find her life, her art, her dudes, her fashion, her thrifting, her scrapbooking and many other fabulous things that she does so well.

1 comment:

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

Now who's making who cry! And I'm at work and everything!!!

Thanks for this sweet shout about stuff coming at just the right time.