Friday, 18 May 2012

playing a little catch up

6 weeks, that is what I am behind in my project life. I figured I better get onto it before it got out of hand and I never looked back. That and I got more than a few concerned comments asking whether I quit or not.
I have finished 4 of those 6 weeks so far and will be  posting them to share with you until I am caught up.

Project Life- Week 14

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We celebrated Cory's birthday this week along with Easter. It was a busy, fun week!

 Anna's art work for her Daddy.

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We spent Easter at my Mom & Dad's. We decorated eggs, filled eggs with goodies to hide, had an Easter egg hunt, visited & ate delicious food and a lot of chocolate! It did not take Anna long to figure out that those eggs we were coaxing her to find were delicious treats!

My favorite thing about Anna for week 14.

Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Good for you for getting another week done! I'm 3 weeks behind - now that I finally finished my WITL album, I hope to get a move on my PL album! It was sure great seeing you and Lisa the other weekend!