Tuesday 2 August 2011

the week that was

Holidays- gone! I have to admit that while we did try and do something fun everyday I feel like the 10 days we had off together were spent trying to schedule & organize our lives. What we should eat, when we can work out, when we're both working, when we should clean, when we can have date nights, when we can have family time, when we can have creative time... the list goes on.  I feel pretty bummed about it, maybe because we didn't go camping and for the last 5 years we have always gone on a big trip. I'll get over it, I know that this organization & scheduling will eventually just become part of our routine but right now it seems a bit stiff. But I think stiff is just what is in order over here- do you remember the last time I created anything just for me, not for a deadline. I can't. {insert sad face here}

I have some other life related stuff I want to share with you, to show you another side of me. It's personal and leaves me feeling a little a lot vulnerable. I will hopefully have that finished up over the weekend.

Anna, she is certainly amazing but she sure can have a rotten side. To say she is trying my patience lately would be an understatement. She does not want to eat & spits everything out & she has now for the last 3 weeks been waking up at 1:30am starving (I would imagine that it's because she's spitting out all her food). The last week has proven to be the most difficult, up 2-4 times a night, eating twice- we never got up that much when she was a newborn. It leaves us tired & frustrated but I think I may have seen a new baby tonight- one that gobbled up everything we put in front of her, I am keeping  fingers crossed she sleeps soundly. She's lucky she's so freakin' cute!  Sounds corny but her smile makes everything just a little bit easier to deal with, that and the fact that she is finally saying Mama, Mama, Mama- melt my heart.

I just wanted to share some of our photos from the week that was...

 - Our trip to the Calgary Zoo. Anna was awesome, making grunting noises at all the animals.

-We took in Heritage Days and enjoyed the sun and some yummy foods. My favorite and most boring but the most delicious- an elephant ear
-We  walked down Whyte Ave and ate ice cream
-We BBQ'd every night and sat out enjoying the weather.
-We drank our morning coffee out in the sun, such a great way to start the day

-We had my family come over and I got to snuggle with Brayden
-Anna got her first hair bow- was not an easy task putting that thing in!
-We went to the family & friends event at the new Cabellas here in Edmonton

Those were my favorites, have a great week my friends!

ps... how in the world is it August already? HOW!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Hi Nadine! The pictures are gorgeous, I love Edmonton this time of year... who needs to go away :) We were going to go to Kelowna, but decided to stay home as well, we have been busy doing some stuff for the house and so that chews up lots of money, anyway I would rather go away in the Winter when I really need a break! I think being a parent has to be the hardest thing ever and you are the best momma, their is no doubt in my mind :) Take care sweetie!