Wednesday 17 August 2011

remembering & finding time to create

 It was 10 years ago today that I got the phone call that my grandpa Wolansky had passed away, he was only 78. It feels like yesterday. I remember sitting there for days trying to think about the last time I had seen him, did I talk with him, did I hug him hello & goodbye? I couldn't remember, I still can't remember but I know I must have. I think about him all the time and I miss him, a lot. I still can't think about it all without crying, my girlfriend Annie tells me that that is how he is telling me he's with me. It makes me smile. I sometimes dream about him, about him sitting on the stool by the stove in my grandparent's kitchen, I can hear the the ticking of his pace maker in the dream and when I wake up I can smell his aftershave. It's surreal. I believe in guardian angels and I know that he is watching over all of us, helping to take care of us. It gives me peace of mind and makes losing him a little bit easier. Where ever you are- I love you.

On a lighter note... I have been creating and it feels fan-freakin'-tastic! I felt so excited to finish a layout for me. Since Monday I have made 5 layouts.... say WHAT! I'm excited to finally share some scrapbooking with you...

paper:MME, alphas:MK, word stickers: Authentique

paper: Simple Stories, alphas: American Crafts, buttons: Doodle Bug, stickers: MK

paper: Pink Paislee, alphas & label holders: Heidi Swapp, flower & button: Bazzill

papers, die cuts & word stickers: Authentique, clear flowers: Heidi Swapp, alphas: MK

paper & rubons: Bo Bunny, alphas: Glitz, journaling block & tags: 7 Gypsies, tickets & book plate: Tim Holtz


Kara said...

Nadine, these are simply A-mazing! My heart goes out to you with your Grandpa, and I think Annie is right, I think he is right there with you, watching over you and watching his great grand baby grow.

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

those are gorgeous layouts...gorgeous!!

I saw the second one up in the store and it is just so much more amazing in real life!

I thank the Universe everyday that my grandparents are still alive and able to watch Lucas grow and spend time with us (and us with them). When my grandma was in the hospital I often thought about her right before bed, and went to sleep with a smile on my face!

Ginger said...

Nadine I love all the layouts! They are BEAUTIFUL!! It is so wonderful to see you scrapbooking :)

I think of my grandma & grandpa D all the time and how much I miss them... looking through all those photos while at home in July really brought back some wonderful memories that I am thankful to have. It sounds like your grandpa was a wonderful man and I agree, I think he is right there with you and your family :)