Monday 14 April 2008

Where does all the time go?

*WARNING: really lame post*

Can it really be April or is it almost May? I feel so far behind that I'm in first place... LOL! A customer of mine always says that to me when I ask him how he is and I always think "nerd" in me head. I haven't had time to scrapbook (in fact I haven't done a page in over 2 weeks), stalk blogs or check out what's new and exciting in the world let alone have some me time! Man this working thing is really catching up to me!

I spent Saturday with Naomi and Veronica, we went out for lunch and then did a little shopping. I then, along with the FABULOUS Naomi designed my wedding invitation! They are beautiful!!! and no Veronica they won't be hard to assemble... cuz you WILL be volunteering your time to me. I have been getting class stuff ready for my Crop Crazy classes in Edson on this Saturday coming up. I haven't taught in a year and I'm a little nervous, "what if no one likes me?" always runs through my head. I'm sure I'll be fine! I have been meaning to do Cory's taxes but never seem to get around to it. And I've been wishing that the kids in my building get sent away to military school.... yup that's what I've been up to. Wow, I'm totally lame! I think perhaps I should write down some goals and some wishes so that I don't bore myself to death never mind you! I think a bubble bath might do the trick!
Later Friends!

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