Thursday 6 March 2008

Well? How old would you be?

This question seems to follow me day in and day out lately. When asked of myself I answered firmly "Old". I'm in a mood lately and quite frankly I'd like to loose it in a dark alley somewhere but nope I just can't shake it! I realize we can't be sunshine and rainbows all the time but seriously, I don't want to be around me lately never mind my friends! So if you've been putting up with me lately.... Thank you! And if you haven't come across it yet... sorry for when you do! The worst part about it (well one of the worst parts) is that I want to scrapbook but lack any motivation or creativity.... and that is a serious drag! Well, now that I've brought you all down... thanks for listening to me, sometimes it helps to get it out.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

kisses & hugs

You put up with me being cranky a while back (thank you again). I just hope things get better for you! Good/happy thoughts coming your way from me (these days I'v got plenty to spare! :D)