Sunday 2 March 2008

Happy Birthday Veronica!

I spent part of yesterday at Treasured Memories celebrating Veronica's birthday. Despite my "Debbie Downer" mood I had a great time, I always love spending time with these girls! I made treat bags with homemade chocolate chip/oatmeal & milk chocolate chip cookies and I made cupcakes with florescent pink icing- currently sick of baking! The rest of the day was spent creating a scrap space in our bed room and cleaning the apartment as my sister in law is staying with us for 2 months. Here's a few pics from yesterday...


Veronica said...

You need to send me the pictures you snapped! Especially the last one. I love it! :P

Veronica said...

Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks for organizing and do everything you did on Saturday. You are amazing! LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!!!! xoxoxo