Tuesday 24 September 2013

Day in the Life: Thursday, September 12

Last week was consumed with either being sick or taking care of a sick little girl, it was a long, ugly week. I said I would have this post finished up for last Monday and just could not muster up the energy to do it.
Today I am sharing my "Day in the Life" that I did back on Thursday, September 12. It was my attempt at participating in Ali Edward's Week In The Life. I couldn't commit to documenting an entire week but I could do one day. This is a typical Thursday in my life, if I don't go the gym I get up and do work so the timeline is fairly accurate. Cory has MMA on Thursday's so unless I am teaching a class at Treasured Memories it's just Anna & I for the whole day with a short break for dinner with Daddy. 
I haven't decided how I want to organize these pictures into my project life album but it is something that I will be doing.

Thursday, September 12- A Day in the Life:

Alarm: 5:45am... very reluctant to get out of bed
6:00am: Gym- legs & back day

7:15: home, showered... can't seem to find my cloths in the massive pile of laundry
:make a mental note to fold laundry (never gets done)

7:30: good morning Anna, these snuggles are my favourite!

7:35: dress Anna, get dressed without underwear... couldn't find any in that pile 

7:45: let cats outside when I got home, need to check on Charlie to make sure he hasn't gone on an adventure
: make Anna cinnamon toast

7:50: goodbye Cory, have a great day
7:50-8:20: sit down with a cup of coffee to check emails & read blogs
:Anna watching cartoons

8:20-9:00: make breakfast for Anna: strawberries, raisins and cheese
:make breakfast for me: 1 whole egg, 1 egg white fried and served in slice of dry toast
: go through flyers and make my grocery list

9:00-11:00: head downstairs to work, finish a group of cards, start a mini book class demo
: Anna making crafts and watching TV while I work

11:00-11:15: Snack: apple slices & wasa crackers with peanut butter & cinnamon
: go out to check on tomatoes and my "slug problem"

11:15: pack a picnic for a trip to the park
11:30: Anna sent to room for not listening
11:30-12:00pm: struggle with Anna to get her out of the house, she assures me that she does not need to go to the potty...

12:00: leave house, stop for gas & then off to Starbucks

12:30: get to park, spill latte all over the side of my car, sit down, pull out book, watch Anna climbing
12:45: "Momma, I need to go pee." Leave park and drive home

1:00: lunch: leftover Taco casserole
:go outside and read book
:Anna comes and yells at me out of the blue that she doesn't want to do anything!
2:00: try to put Anna down for a nap because she is so grouchy
2:20: nap is not going to happen
:we have a "talk" about being grumpy and how being mean isn't okay

2:45: go get groceries
3:30: home, Anna falls pretty hard and needs "magic" Dora band aids 

3:45: Anna didn't sit back far enough and pee went everywhere but in the potty... clean bathroom
: shower again- need to wash off sunscreen from trip to park... I hate the feeling left from sunscreen

4:00: spray out playhouse so there are "no bugs"
:let Anna have the hose to wash her chairs... she sprays the table & chairs we're suppose to eat at
4:10: pour a glass of wine

4:15: watch Anna from kitchen window, unload dishwasher, start supper

4:30: pick carrots from garden & chop up vegetables
4:40: Cory home from work, I finish supper

5:45: eat supper: veggie burgers, roasted potatoes, veggies & dip, steamed carrots
6:00: Cory leaves for MMA class, I clean up dinner and start dishes

6:15-7:30: bath time, finish dishes, brush teeth, stories

7:30: Goodnight Anna
7:30-8:00: make chocolate ganache for the next day

8:00-8:30: go outside to take down & pack up bouncy house
:pick up and kill over 5o slugs... so disgusting! 
: put out slug killer from our neighbour so I hopefully don't have to pick anymore!
9:00: computer work, send photos to London Drugs

9:15: cut words for a class with the Silhouette 
10:00: head back downstairs to finish mini book

11:30: finish mini book
:organise papers & product to start a new project in the morning
12:45: good night

1 comment:

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

This is just plain damn AWESOME! You are a busy amazing lady. Amazing. Love you!!

Also, hey there's me!