Here we are hanging out with Heidi! The day was so much fun and we did so many cool projects and discovered a few new fabby techniques. I'll post pictures of them as soon as I add some photos to the layouts. At the end of the day, the event was over for the most part and people started clearing out, Heidi then talked about House of 3 and what they're all about, then a little about blogging and why she scrapbooks. It was very intimate, incredibly motivating and so so inspiring. It was one person talking and a group of women totally relating to a woman we all admire. Thinking to myself- we're not so different after all. It was one of those "ahh, I get it" moments for me, I don't think I was alone in that feeling. So thank you, thank you to Treasured for giving me the chance to see her and participate in this day. I am more grateful than you van even understand! Thank you to Heidi and to Talia and Kim who helped make this all happen!
Here's a few pictures from yesterday:
Today I am excited to hang out with my hunny, I never get to spend Sundays with him and never never Sunday nights as he's always either playing hockey, ball hockey or coaching it. Tonight he's planning on BBQing the hugest steaks ever- I am SO excited! I perhaps will be indulging in a refreshing Mojito while he cooks for me. Sounds like a weekend to throw into my Top 5 best weekends?
Later Friends!
So glad you had fun with Heidi!! Isn't she amazing? I loved listening to her talk at the end too. Very fun!
I am SO glad that you all enjoyed yourselves! and that you heard and experienced something that maybe you needed at the time! Heidi seems like such a beautiful person, I cant wait to take her class tonight! :) and i do not look that cute when i cook, but I'll take the complement anyways! thanks! :)
you guys look like you had so much fun with only minutely jealous!!
super cute shots with Stanley!
am sad I missed out with Kara...needed some family time though!
I enjoyed your pics, and it was great meeting you, I might even update my blog with my pics of Heidi soon:) Oh and I am guessing that your friends wedding colours weren't pink, hehehe
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