Thursday 30 September 2010

Autumn Love

I love fall, the amazing colors, the smells, the sounds! Fall also means our anniversary, my birthday and my mom's birthday. Not to mention a few of my favorite people celebrate there birthdays in the fall as well. This Saturday we went and took some fall photos, that is until my batteries dies in BOTH cameras! Seriously! Errg! We got a few good ones though, these two and the one in my sidebar are my favorite.

34 weeks
This is my next class at Treasured Memories- Saturday, October 16 from 10am-2pm. I LOVE this book and the pictures here just don't do it justice, there are pages that flip open and up, embossing and inking- it really is yummy! Here are the details but if you're in the store check it out to see all the different layers and textures.

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