Friday 7 February 2014

Valentine Sugar Cookies

Sugar Cookies might be my favourite. Sugar cookies in the shape of a heart with pink icing are for sure my favourite. And by the lack of remaining cookies 2 days later I'd say they were everyone else's favourite too. 

I like to bake with Anna, I talked here about how I pre-portion all the ingredients out to make it easier on both of us. When making these cookies I assign jobs to avoid any arguments. For example- Momma rolls the dough, Anna cuts the hearts. Win. Win.

After I ice the cookies she decorates. This one was special for her and had a heaping pile of chocolate chips on top as well as her sprinkles. "Mmmm", was all that came out of her mouth.

I don't really have a winning recipe for these, the one I used tasted good but was kind of a pain- too dry, crumbly, had to keep in fridge, had to warm up, etc. I just Google sugar cookies and lots of options came up to try. I thought this one might be the one I try next. Until then, have a delicious weekend friends!

1 comment:

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

Where did you get your heart-shaped cookie cutter?