Friday, 10 May 2013

Mother's Day

This Sunday I will be celebrating my third Mother's Day and for the past while I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be Anna's Momma, what my role is. How do I balance it all and not forget about myself in the process.

How do I raise her and not screw her up?
How do I teach her to love herself? To believe in her worth.
How do I teach her respect for others and herself?
How do I teach her to be kind?
How do I teach her to be authentic and true?
How do I teach her to say no?
How do I teach her to be brave?
How do I teach her to stand up for what she believes in without being a bully?
How do I teach her to follow her dreams?
How do I teach her to be loyal and committed?
How do I teach her that she can make a difference?
How do I teach her that failure is all part of the process?
How do I teach her to never lose her enthusiasm?
How do I teach her to be passionate?
How do I teach her that it is so very important to say she's sorry when she messes up?
How do I teach her that friends will betray her and that boys will break her heart but she will be okay?
How do I teach her to trust her instinct and when something doesn't feel right- to walk away even when no one else is?
How do I teach her that I only have her best interests at heart?
How do I raise her and not screw her up?

I don't have the answers, I don't know best but I am trying. I am trying so very hard but this job is damn hard! It's hard and at times- completely overwhelming. No one tells you these things but they're real and they're things I believe we should all be thinking about.

What I know for sure- it is more important than ever that I be brave and authentic.  That I always show kindness, compassion and love so that she can see these traits being exercised. That I love myself and take care of myself so that I can lead by example.  I pray everyday that she remains the beautiful, kind spirit that is Anna and I am extremely grateful that I was chosen to be this girl's Momma.

Happy Mother's Day, celebrating all the hard, overwhelming, beautiful & magical days.

1 comment:

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

Just the fact that you made this list means you are already teaching her about all of those things.

You're a good mom.

The other day Lucas tried to bargain with me for some iPad time. He said he wouldn't play with me at all the next day unless I let him use the iPad. Silly boy.