Tuesday 22 March 2011

A small reminder. I am very hard on myself, very judgemental of myself. Am I being patient enough with Anna, am I creating enough, am I spending enough time with Cory, am I losing the baby weight fast enough, am I working hard enough, could I be working more. I should be able to take care of Anna, do the dishes, wash the laundry, make dinner, go to the gym, work for a couple hours & then take time for myself!  Ha! I write all that and think- WHO can do that! I can recognize that I'm overwhelmed by my expectations yet I still proceed to beat myself up about it.
I can't change how I think in one day so today I will simply work on being kind to myself. Seems like a good start.


Sherri said...

Oh boy do I relate to all of that! I think I need to post a sign like that on my mirror too:)

Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

I like it! A good thought for everyone.

Kara said...

Love you. Thanks for the thought, I think we could all do this.

Ginger said...

hi Nadine :) You are right, noone can do everything... I might be taking the time to create but the housework suffers and that is okay with me. So yes being kind to ourselves is a great place to start! Have a good day.