Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Around here

Comfy & cozy.

Finally! mailed my cards yesterday.

Project Life 2013 product is here... only 3.5 months of 2012 to finish ;)
I have started a post on my thoughts, frustrations and love of Project Life.

We went to a "Christmas Special" at the Terwilegar rec centre on Saturday. There were songs, games & the kids got to make crafts and a sweet treat. 

Hello Beautiful Reindeer.

The sweet treat had chocolate.

Change. New bangs.

Working on my December Daily.

Wrapping presents.

Starting a Cat in the Hat quilt for Anna.


Formerly.Lisa.S. said...

#1. Is that Pingu?

#2. I still have two cards to mail...hopefully tonight (HA HA HA HA!)

#3. Yay! I can't wait to read your post!

#4. Love that cute craft and that cute chocolately smile.

#5. I can't believe you have bangs! Do you work Friday night? Cause I have to come see them IRL.

#6. December Daily...Grumble grumble

#7. I love wrapping presents.

#8. Quilt! That's so cool! I would love to make a quilt, but I think you have to be more organized and "attention-to-detail"-oriented than I actually am!

Candace said...

Awesome post, loved all the pics!!! And seriously love the new do.