Friday, 28 December 2012

2012 in review

As our year comes to an end and we close the book on this chapter I find myself tying up "loose ends". I always like to write this post to look back through the year in photos and to reflect on the days past. 2012 was full of highs and lows. There were struggles that we worked through and some days continue to work through. There were moments of discovery, sadness, joy, frustration, fear, excitement and love but most importantly there were moments of growth. It is those moments that help me move forward, those moments that I look back upon and am so grateful for the love & support that lives in our home. I am not sure what I would do without Cory & Anna, what I did before them. 
Regardless of whether 2012 was "the best year ever" or not, I know that it was exactly what it was suppose to be. I have learnt so much about myself and our dynamic as a family and as husband & wife. It is those lessons that will guide me into the new year with the ability to make better choices. 
My head spins at this time of year (more so than usual) with all the things I pray the new year brings into my life, into our lives. All the choices that I get to make. That every morning when I open my eyes I will be grateful for my blessings and grateful for the choice in how I shape my day and in turn, theirs. 
I will choose to be present each day.
I will choose to deal with the frustrating days with a better attitude.
I will choose to bring more hugs, more kisses, more play, more adventure and more love into our lives.
Goodbye 2012 & thank you.

Best weather!


Best prize! Best winner! Best excitement!

Best joy! 
(upon realizing there is chocolate in all those eggs)

Best outdoor wedding.

Best first painting experience.

Best 1st family vacation.

Best new friendship and rekindled old friendship.

Best family picture.
Best new baby, Hello Farrah!

Best birthday dinner.

Best 2nd Birthday.

Best snowman. Best new discovery. Best excited girl (& Momma).

1 comment:

Candace said...

awww, I made your bests list, this made my heart super happy. I love your re-cap, and all the super sweet pics of Anna! Those itty bitty leg warmers, my how that little one has grown this year! Happy New Years lady!!!