Wednesday, 29 February 2012

pushing through...

I, as you have probably noticed have not posted Week 8 for project life. I am not done, haven't even started and most likely will not be done until the weekend.
I have been feeling a little deflated. Limited energy. Gloomy. Not eating much or worse- eating way too much. Especially carbs! Seriously! I ate 3 donuts on Monday! Three!! I felt gross but do you think I could stop myself? Not a chance! Maybe it's the weather? Maybe it's a sweet girl who doesn't sleep and wakes at night up to a dozen times a night! Yes, you heard me right- a dozen! We're exhausted. Needless to say I don't have much energy, I am forcing myself to sit down and get my work done for deadlines. If there is no deadline then I haven't even looked at it. Make dinner? Ha! Clean the house? Ha! Why are there no clean cloths? Cuz the thought of doing laundry was as much work as my donut laden body could handle. I have an appointment for some blood work so maybe they can give me a little insight into my bummer mood. Or maybe I should go sit outside and get some sun, a little Vitamin D will do the body good. Unfortunalety I'm a baby when it comes to being cold and it's suppose to snow. Okay.. I think I'm done complaining ;-)
There you have it, now you know where I've been. Thanks for listening sweet friends!


Formerly.Lisa.S. said...


Kathleen Ruelling said...

As one mother to another...I hear you, sista! And it gets better, then not so better, and then better again. It's a glorious, bumpy, tough, beautiful journey - and it is ok to eat three doughnuts once in a while.
I, though I've never met you, draw inspiration daily from your blog - especially your recent post about your date night with your husband. My hubby and I share our childcare (we have 6 year old twins) and don't really make the time for us as a couple...and I've decided we need to. Even a two hour coffee date and a browse at Chapters, without kids to watch, would be blissful. He agrees - thank you for that idea. One day I hope to meet you in person at Treasured Memories (though it will be trippy, as I feel like I've been snooping in your life via your blog). Hang in there and cut yourself a bit of slack :-)