Happy Birthday Canada! She celebrated her 144th birthday and while Anna & I stayed close to home we did get dressed up in Canadian colors and make maple leaf cookies to show our patriotic sides. Cory worked all weekend and I just didn't have it in me to take her anywhere for festivities on my own. Cookies seemed like the easiest thing we could do together. And when I say together I mean mostly me while Anna makes a ginormous mess on the kitchen floor. Saturday was laid back, Anna still has a cold and I have been doing sleep training (that's a whole other post) with her so I can't be too far from home for too long a time period. Yesterday we went and met Cory at work and had a picnic in our car, it actually ended up being a lot of fun. Anna thought it was pretty awesome to be in the car and not in her car seat- which she HATES! There you have it, that was pretty much it for excitement. I worked on a gift for my fabulous, adorable nephew which I can't wait to share, we ordered take out, had a little vino, enjoyed the sunshine and followed Anna around the house cleaning up her messes.
As for the rest of the week, I have a little solo vacation booked! I am leaving Anna and Cory behind and going on a little road trip to see my beautiful girlfriend Kara in Lethbridge. I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out, even just typing that I am leaving them behind makes me sad & lonely. I am going to do my best to enjoy some me time, some rest and some wonderful company. I'll keep you posted on how I do. It's just two sleeps, it's just two sleeps- that's what I keep telling myself.
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